Anxiety · Infertility · Pregnancy · Trying to Conceive · TTC

One More Shot – Documentary Review

I just finished watching the documentary, “One More Shot”, on Netflix. Guess what? I am still crying. This film is so real. So truthful, so heart wrenching, so me. In 90 minutes this movie managed to completely transport me back in time and to accurately explain the roller coaster of emotions we went through just… Continue reading One More Shot – Documentary Review

Trying to Conceive

Finding the beauty in the pain

IVF is a long and painful (both physically and mentally) process. I know this already and I have not yet completed a full cycle! Every day we wake up and look at our schedule. We administer our injections, we take our oral medications, we visit our RE for ultrasounds and bloodwork. Some days we have… Continue reading Finding the beauty in the pain

Trying to Conceive

Probes and Pokes

We are now well into our first round of IVF shots, and I have to admit, so far they aren’t bad at all! I stabbed that first one in like a champ! However, I do seem to have an issue mixing the meds so that is now my husband’s job. He claims I am “too… Continue reading Probes and Pokes